The Security Audit

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Is your Security operating as you expect it should be. Use a Security Audit to give you confidence that you can keep you, your staff and your customers safe.

Why perform an Independent Security Audit?

If your organisation or operation is large enough that you have substantial security systems and procedures then periodically you should have these tested. This is where the experience and independence of a quality Security Audit helps.

Being able to discuss things in the board room is one thing, but security operational realities always make delivery hard, teams are busy delivering for their customers, urgent priorities exist, compromises are made – that is the reality of being in business today.

Some safety and security critical industries use an independent security review to gain confidence that its security operations are up to scratch, including:

  • Security companies

  • Public facing service organisations

  • Stadium and Event Managers

  • Forestry operations

Keeping it real

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither can safety and security organisational improvements be. Having a good change roadmap of safety and security improvements can help engage staff, as it keeps safety and security front of mind and keep it real for people. Audit outcomes can be used to track progress against the organisations roadmap to ensure provide evidence from a governance perspective of evidence of Health and Safety requirements.

Which Security Audit Provider should I use?

Look for a Security Audit Provider that you can Trust.

A good provider will listen to your current circumstances and understand your needs before performing an independent Security Audit to understand current functional gaps and where specific security improvements should be made.

Look for a provider that has the trust and experience to provide independent and pragmatic advice. Your Security Audit should be unique to your situation, as you will have unique circumstances that present different risks.

An initial discussion around approach with the provider should allow you to understand their experience and get a good feel for Trust.

QRisk Safety and security audit

QRisk has conducted many independent Security Audits to give our New Zealand and Australian clients the confidence and clarity to validate the investment made in security operations. We do it because we genuinely want to improve people and organisation resilience within the security sector.

QRisk’s Security Audits will review security people, process and systems and provide a succinct Audit report for you to use to help create a roadmap of security improvements with your people.

QRisk are close protection, investigations and security consulting experts and have provided many Security Audits for corporate, government and not for profit organisations.

If you need to get confidence that your security operations are running as expected from independent experts, then give us a call today.


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